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How to Wash Alpaca Wool and Keep it Soft

Living sustainably involves not only selecting eco-friendly materials such as alpaca wool but also taking care of what you possess, including your cherished blankets and scarves. In this regard, we have devised a simple guide on how to wash alpaca wool, which can be easily accomplished at home. Our guide includes valuable insights and techniques that will help maintain the quality of your blankets and scarves, ensuring that they remain as attractive as they were when you purchased them.

How to hadwash alpaca wool?

The process of hand washing alpaca wool is relatively simple, and it primarily involves allowing the water and soap to work their magic. First, you need to fill your bathtub or sink with water that is below 30ºC, and then add wool soap, which is a mild laundry detergent specifically designed for washing wool and delicate fabrics.

You can also wash it with regular shampoo, remember alpaca is a natural fiber. That’s why this method works perfectly. In any case, mix the soap or shampoo well before immersing your wool in the water. Allow the wool to soak in the soapy water for at least 10 minutes, during which you could take a break to enjoy a cup of coffee.

Once the wool has soaked for 10 minutes, gently swirl it around and give extra attention to areas that require special care. Is key to avoid rubbing the fabric against itself this can lead to wool shrinkage and pilling. After this, remove the wool from the soapy water and rinse it twice using clean water.


At this point, it is crucial to handle your wool with utmost care. Avoid twisting or hanging it to dry as this may stretch the material. Instead, gently press the water out and lay it flat to dry. Quick tip: Place the wool on a clean and dry towel and roll it up like a roll to remove any excess water. Once unrolled, reshape the wool as required and leave it flat to dry.


When it comes to storing your alpaca wool products, the best approach is to fold them and place them in a breathable container, such as a cotton storage bag, in a cool and dry area away from sunlight. Before storing, ensure that the product is clean to prevent moth infestation. You may also consider placing some natural moth repellent in the container with the woolen item for added protection.